How To Start An Unli Chicken Wings Restaurant Business In The Philippines

Chicken Wings restaurants are in demand

Starting your own Unli Chicken Wings restaurant in the Philippines may seem overwhelming. However, it is actually a simpler one because you do not need a menu with a wide range of items – just have the basic chicken and have that wide variety of flavors using different sauces. But the question is, how popular is the chicken wings restaurant business? Take a look below, the search on Google for unli wings in (location) goes on and on!

unli KW research
The customer search on Google for unli wings

You might be thinking about how to jumpstart this journey without getting lost in the sauce..literally! With so many factors to consider – from market demand to unique buffalo wing sauces – it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

But here’s a fact that will light up your grill:  just get your grill hot and get the chicken cooking, and make mouth-watering variations with your sauces! 

savoury sauces for unli wings business
our signature sauces for a worry-free unli wings business

This article walks you through every essential step, from conducting thorough market research to crafting those irresistible sauce recipes that keep customers coming back for more.

We’ll cover hiring the right team, sorting out legal requirements, ensuring your business is well-protected, and delivering a dining experience that sets you apart from competitors.

Our guide aims to simplify complex processes into manageable tasks, helping turn your dream restaurant into reality.

Ready? Let’s get cooking!

(you can jump to any section in the Table of Contents)

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Starting an Unli Chicken Wings Restaurant in the Philippines: Key Steps

Starting an Unli Chicken Wings restaurant in the Philippines? Great idea! You’ll need a solid plan and some key steps to make it happen.

Market Research

Market research is your first step. You need to find out if people will come to your unli chicken wings restaurant. Look around the area where you want to open. Are there many places selling food like yours? What kind of people live there? This helps you understand your potential customers better.

You can easily get an overview of the businesses in your target area by going to Google maps and type “restaurants in (location).” From there, you will see the Google pins (in red) for this example, restaurants in Lingayen, Pangasinan.

Also, figure out how much money it might cost to run your place and how much you could earn.

Next, learn about what others are doing right or wrong. Visit different restaurants, especially those that serve unlimited chicken wings. Notice what dishes people love and what doesn’t seem popular.

This gives you ideas for your own menu and services. Plus, talking with suppliers at this stage can give you a good deal on things you’ll need later on, like kitchen tools and ingredients for special sauces that will make your wings stand out.

Creating a Business Plan

Crafting a business plan is like drawing a map for your unli chicken wings restaurant adventure. It helps you stay on track and shows others where you’re heading. This plan covers your goals, target market, competition, sales forecasts, and how much money you need to start.

Think of it as telling the story of how your restaurant will succeed. You’ll also decide if you’re going after families or youngsters looking for a good time.

In this document, jot down every detail from what dishes you’ll serve to how you’ll shout about your restaurant to the world. Include plans for eye-catching promotions and using social media to spread the word.

Showing banks or investors this plan can help get the funding needed to start cooking up those delicious wings. Plus, it’s a great way to make sure everyone on your team knows the mission and works towards making customers happy and coming back for more.

Securing the Ideal Location

Finding the perfect spot is key for your unli chicken wings restaurant. Search for places with lots of people walking by and cars driving past. This means more folks might pop in to eat. But do not just depend on foot traffic!  Studies show that 97% of sales begin online when customers can find you on Google.

Google Most Visited Domain in the Philippines
Google Most Visited Domain in the Philippines

Make sure the kitchen can handle all you need to cook those tasty wings. Picking a busy area helps a lot because then, you’re where your customers are looking for food.

The place must be easy to get to as well. If potential diners can find and reach your restaurant without trouble, they’re more likely to visit. Think about spots near other popular stores or entertainment areas; these locations can pull in crowds who are already out and about, ready to try what you’ve got cooking.

Keeping these tips in mind will help set up your business for success from the start.

Procuring Restaurant Equipment

Getting the right equipment is crucial for your unli chicken wings restaurant. You need fryers to cook those delicious wings perfectly. Sauce pans and bowls are essential for mixing up unique and tasty sauces that will set your place apart.

Don’t forget a refrigerator and freezer to keep all ingredients fresh. Sinks, food scales, preparation utensils, disposable gloves, aprons, and hairnets also play key roles in keeping your operations smooth and up to health standards.

Once you have all this gear in place, you’re one step closer to serving mouth-watering chicken wings to eager customers. Each piece of equipment ensures efficiency in preparing meals quickly without compromising quality or safety – from storing raw materials properly in refrigerators and freezers to managing portion sizes with a food scale.

So invest wisely in these essentials; they form the backbone of your kitchen’s workflow.

Stocking Supplies for Customers

You need to fill your restaurant with the right supplies for your customers. This means getting tablecloths, napkins, plates, glasses, and silverware if you’re serving dine-in guests.

For takeout services, make sure you have bags, disposable napkins, paper towels, takeout containers, and small containers ready. These items are crucial to provide a good eating experience whether people eat in or take their food home.

Offering top-notch dining requires carefully selecting what you put on the table or pack for takeaway. It’s all about making sure each guest feels valued and enjoys their meal from start to finish – whether they’re sitting at your tables or enjoying chicken wings at home.

The Secret is in the Sauce! Make Your Chicken Wings Superbly Special

You don’t have to experiment with sauces for your wings, we have them all! All you have to do is have the basic chicken wings and then create mouthwatering dishes by just the sauce – 4000 restaurants cannot be wrong in choosing our sauces! 

Having a variety of sauces sets your unli chicken wings restaurant apart. Think beyond the basic Buffalo wing sauce. Have different flavors that surprise and delight. Sweet, spicy, tangy—explore combinations that make taste buds dance.

With MLI Delish Treats, we offer a wide range of sauces to make your menu varieties easier and preparation simpler, from a mild sauce for those who prefer less heat, and a fiery option for spice lovers. 

Staffing: Roles and Hiring Process

When starting an Unli Chicken Wings restaurant in the Philippines building a great team is crucial not only for the kitchen staff but for the customer-facing employees as well. An efficient operation and efficient staff keep your restaurant running smoothly and make customers happy and come back for more.

First, list down all the roles you need to be filled. Depending on your operating hours and seating capacity, you need to determine the headcount of cooks for those tasty wings, servers to bring them to tables, cleaners to keep things shiny, and managers to oversee that operations are running smoothly.

For a small restaurant, you can start with 2-3, cooks especially if your unli chicken wings business does not have a wide selection of menu items. This number of course may change depending on the turnaround of customers. Or as you add more hours or more seats. 

An unli wings restaurant is really a simple and easy-to-operate business in terms of kitchen staff and variety of menus – you only need to have the basic chicken and then offer different flavors for a wide menu variety! Check out the flavors we offer.

Now, here is what you need to do for the hiring process:

  1. Compose job descriptions that are easy to understand. Describe the responsibilities of each role and the necessary skills.
  2. Advertise these positions both locally and online. Make use of job sites, social media, or even a sign outside the restaurant you plan to open.
  3. Examine applications thoroughly. Seek out those who are willing to learn or who have prior food service experience.
  4. Arrange for interviews. Speak with potential applicants to determine whether they share your values and vision.
  5. Verify references from previous employment. This indicates if they were competent workers in the past.
  6. Pick the top candidates for each position. Consider who will function best in a team environment.
  7. Before the opening day, thoroughly train them. From preparing wings to wiping tables, demonstrate to them how you want things done.

With a thoroughly selected team ready, you’re one step closer to making your Unli Chicken Wings restaurant a yummy success!

Getting all the legal paperwork in order is a big step in opening your unli chicken wings restaurant in the Philippines. You need to make sure you have all the right permits and licenses to avoid any trouble. Here’s a rundown of what you’ll need:

  1. Business Licenses: First of all, you need to register your business. Register with DTI if sole proprietor or Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) if partnership or corporation
  2. Barangay Clearance: (1-day processing) Get this clearance from the barangay. Fill out the form and with that provide the following:
    • Certificate of Business Registration from DTI or SEC
    • Two (2) valid IDs
    • Proof of Address such as Contract of Lease (if rented) or Certificate of Land Title (if owned)
  3. Mayor’s Permit from City Hall/Municipal Hall (1-week processing or more) Obtain the form, and once filled out, submit with the following:
    • Certificate of Business Registration from DTI or SEC
    • Barangay Clearance Certificate
    • Two (2) valid IDs
    • Proof of Address such as Contract of Lease (if rented) or Certificate of Land Title (if owned)
  4. BIR: register your business with BIR by visiting the Regional District Office (RDO) where your business is located
    • Fill out the registration form as follows:
      • BIR Form 1901 if single proprietor or Form 1903 – Application for Registration (For Partnership/Corporation)
    • Once filled out, submit the completed registration form together with the following:
      • Certificate of Registration form SEC or DTI
      • Barangay Clearance
      • Business Permit From the Mayor’s Office
      • Proof of Address such as Contract of Lease (if rented) or Certificate of Land Title (if owned)
      • Valid IDs, if applicable.
    • Pay the Registration Form (BIR Form 0605) and Documentary Stamp Tax (BIR Form 2000), if applicable.
    • Register your book of accounts and receipts/invoices.
    • Claim your Certificate of Registration (BIR Form 2303)
  5. For Employees: For your employees, you would need

Each one plays an important role in setting up a successful and compliant unli chicken wings business in the Philippines. Make it a point to understand them well and apply early; getting these documents can take time but they’re essential for running smoothly and legally.

Restaurant Insurance Is Essential for Safeguarding Your Business

Insurance for restaurants serves as a kind of safety net for your company. It is necessary to protect you from claims and harm. This covers liability insurance, property insurance, and other insurance. For instance, you can receive assistance in repairing your restaurant without suffering significant financial loss in the event of an accident or fire.

It also protects you if someone is harmed while dining at your home. In addition, coverage exists for liquor liability and business interruption, should you provide such services.

Consider matters such as workers’ compensation as well (registration of employees as discussed above). This aids if a worker is hurt on the job. Unemployment insurance is another important one—it helps workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own.

All these protections show why getting the right insurance matters so much for keeping your unli chicken wings restaurant running smoothly through thick and thin.

Crafting a Unique Customer Experience

Making your unli chicken wings restaurant stand out means giving customers something they can’t find anywhere else. It’s all about the feeling they get when they walk through your door and the memories they take with them after leaving.

Crafting the perfect menu is all about having a range of tasty chicken wing flavors to keep customers coming back for more. The focus here? Quality and taste, and that is where we can help with our ready sauces that have been the choice of thousands of restaurants. Make the guesswork worry-free!

Our sauces have been the choice of thousands of food establishments that stand out from other places. Aside from your main dish, adding sides and drinks can make your meals complete. Have an item on your menu with bite-sized samplers in different flavors so that you can introduce all your varieties. This also makes a great housewarming potluck or takeout when you are too tired to make dinner.

samplers of your chicken wings

Options for everyone mean having choices that cater to different tastes—perhaps spicy wings for the brave at heart or milder sauces for those who prefer less heat. Diving into local favorites can also add a special touch to the menu, making sure there’s something enticing for each visitor walking through your doors.

Another idea is to have a menu item that offers a choice of two, three or more flavors. Online, your ordering-enabled website can offer choices for delivery or pickup.

Interior Design and Layout

Creating a welcoming space is key for your unli chicken wings restaurant. Consider hues and accents that evoke a sense of homeiness in your guests. Assign suitable tables and seats to the space, keeping in mind that people need room to move about.

Proper lighting may entice people inside and make food appear even more appetizing. Sinks, freezers, and fryers should be positioned so that chefs can utilize them without running into one another.

Cooking is safer and faster with this.

Once the inside is set up, concentrate on preparing your employees to deliver exceptional service. The next topic is how to provide excellent customer service so that every customer leaves satisfied.

Customer Service Training

The goal is to train your personnel to provide excellent service. Instruct them on how to greet clients and provide information about the food. They ought to understand how to manage hectic periods without becoming anxious.

Happy customers are the result of a happy team. Have a standard procedure that teaches them how to handle difficult circumstances, such as resolving complaints or providing an explanation for the time limit on eating wings.

Utilize research findings to inform training; for example, serving fries ahead of wings boosts revenue and simplifies order processing. Employees will be more adept at providing excellent service and maintaining order, guaranteeing that visitors enjoy their visits each and every time.

Next up, we’ll look into promotional strategies to draw in more wing lovers.

Marketing Your Unli Chicken Wings Restaurant

Spreading the word about your Unli Chicken Wings Restaurant is key – think fun promotions, social media buzz, and getting to know your community!

Promotional Strategies

To get people excited about your unli chicken wings restaurant, focus on strong marketing plans. Having a website, especially an ordering- and reservation-enabled one, is your most important online marketing tool – why so? Because it is the window of your business,  it allows customers to find you on Google, and a 24/7 online store.

Even better, have a website that is ordering- and reservation-enabled, that way, customers can place advanced orders and reservations any time the customer has made a buying decision, making your business have the potential to earn 24/7. The good news? An optimized and sales-enabled website need not be expensive, I got mine at a fraction of the cost.

Register a Google Business Profile account where you can post your website, product photos, offers, promos,  and where you can collect reviews. Why Google? Google has 10x more audience and your photos there are evergreen – meaning, unlike on Facebook where your photos are buried in your photo album after posting them, Google keeps sharing your photos even 2 years from now. 

Google vs FB Views
Google vs FB Views

Use social media to help introduce your website which is the window of your business.  Your website is an online address of your business that tells customers all about the products and services you offer about your tasty dishes and unique sauces. Share mouth-watering photos from your website and share happy customer reviews.

Offer special deals in your Google Business Profile so that Google can help you promote your products to pull in groups and families looking for a fun dining experience. For more marketing guidance, I found this group on Facebook where they offer great marketing tips.

Engaging online helps build a community around your brand, making customers feel part of something special.

Leveraging Social Media

Use social media to further boost your website and online presence and to help get the word out about your unli chicken wings restaurant. You can use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share pictures from your website of your mouthwatering dishes. Pointing them to your website makes them remember that they can find your website again and again to see all your offers in one glance.

Share videos on your website of how you make the wings and what makes them special. This way, people see what they’re missing and want to visit your place. You can even offer your restaurant for private parties especially during your lean hours.

Be sure to interact with customers online too. If they leave comments or questions, respond quickly. Show that you care about their experience. Doing this helps build a community around your restaurant.

Some Reminders

Chicken wings
Make great food images and put them on your website

Some may want unli chicken wings while some want a fixed order. You can provide basic menu items and add a certain amount to make it unlimited, but always have a restaurant reminder that your unli wings are until a certain time only, let’s say 12 noon till 2PM. Or another alternative is to offer the unli wings for a limited time at that time of day when your customer traffic is low. 

Another alternative to solve times of the day when there is low customer traffic is to offer your place for reservations for private parties. That way, your lean hours become a full house!  Here is a sample of an online reservation system for your website that works 24/7 to get sales for you.


Profit and Loss Template and Food Cost Calculator


Starting your own Unli Chicken Wings restaurant in the Philippines is a journey worth taking. Every step, from market research to offering a wide variety of flavors and sauces, sets you up for success. The magic lies in a solid business plan and understanding your customers.

Following these tips and steps will make all the difference—just like getting those licenses and insurance straight. Don’t forget, that offering an amazing customer experience will keep folks coming back for more.

So go ahead, and spread your wings; this could be the start of something big! Order our sauces online for a hassle-free unli-chicken wings business!


1. What’s the first step to start an unli chicken wings restaurant in the Philippines?

First off, you’ll need a solid business plan… Think about your value proposition, who you want to serve (your target market), and how you’ll stand out. Oh, and don’t forget about crafting that irresistible menu!

2. How do I pick the right location for my restaurant?

While we have always heard, “location is key” in the past, this has changed a bit because customers now search online first before going to a restaurant. So it helps to look for spots where your target audience hangs out BUT equally important now is that your business can be searched online. Busy areas, also have stiff competition so it helps to capture the customer’s fancy while still searching online.

3. Can marketing strategies really make a difference?

Absolutely! It’s all about getting the word out there… Use Google and other search engines first, then social media, flyers, maybe even host events. Remember, it’s not just what you’re selling; it’s telling folks why they can’t miss it.

4. Should I be worried about health concerns like cardiovascular disease from eating too much chicken wings?

Offering variety could help here—think salads or teas alongside those wings. Educate your customers on balanced meals but remember—you’re running a family restaurant, not a cardiology clinic!

5. Is starting this business going to be profitable?

With careful planning—yes! Do your homework on pricing and cost management; keep an eye on profitability margins… And hey—people love their chicken wings; give them great reasons to choose yours.